
Trio robs Masimini man

KwaThema - A resident has lost his cellphone, wallet, bank cards and R600.

This happened when the complainant was allegedly attacked by three unknown men on Thursday evening.

Police say the 31-year-old man was walking along Nyaweni Street in Masimini Section at about 10pm when the trio approached him.

Read: Victim faces the barrels of three guns during armed robbery

“One of the men allegedly pointed a firearm at the man and the other two searched him and took his valuables.

“All three then fled the scene on foot,” said Capt Thabo Sibuyi.

He added that they urge all residents to be vigilant at all times and to avoid walking alone, especially at night or in the early hours of the morning.

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“It is imperative to avoid carrying valuables and a lot of money on you.

“Try also not to answer your cellphone on the street, as this makes you a target for criminals,” warned Capt Thabo Sibuyi.

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