Schools open for 2017

Kwatsaduza – It was a good start to the year for local schools as they welcomed old and new learners through their gates.

Many parents also went out to support their children, who were flooded with emotion during the first day of school.

Nkabinde Primary School began its proceedings with an assembly where the learners sang and prayed.

Read: First day of school

They then received a welcome from the principal, Humphrey Chiloane and were placed and their new classrooms.

Chilaone says all went all on the first day, though there were still some late registrations taking place.

“Those who have come for late registrations are still being taken care off. Therefore, we will continue taking children if we still have space.

“We have also spoken to the district and neighbouring schools to ask for help in terms of furniture.

“We wish all our learners well,” he says.

Read: First day of school had highs and lows

Michael Zulu Ordinary Full Service School also had a good start on the first day.

Principal Lindiwe Vilakazi says she is pleased as this year seems different to other years.

“Our parents seem more enthusiastic and most have brought their children themselves, instead of sending them to be accompanied by their siblings.

“Some even wanted to pay for stationery, though our children get it for free.

“On Monday and Tuesday some parents even came to buy uniforms from the school, so we are happy as we are seeing a different kind of community,” she says.

Principal at the Roseview Primary School in Duduza, Hambisani Sibeko says although they had made preparations and met with parents before school closed last year, there were still challenges.

“There are children who have been admitted but who have not yet come. We are expecting them in the next few days or next week.

“We also have the challenge of children coming late. However, these are small issues that can be ironed out as the weeks progress.

“Regardless of that, learning has started, which is a great thing,” he says.

Sibeko further congratulated the school’s previous learner, Thembinkosi Johannes Manyeruke, for his outstanding performance in his matric results.

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