Matric results for Duduza schools

Duduza – All five secondary schools in Duduza received a pass rate of above 60% this year.

Asser Maloka Secondary School again came out at the top within the Duduza secondary schools, with a pass rate of 78%, decreasing from last year’s 91%.

There were 126 students who wrote exams and only 98 achieved passes.

They managed to receive 32 bachelor passes, 37 diplomas, 29 higher certificates and twenty distinctions.

Principal Medi Sehume says he is happy with the results and thanks all the teachers, learners and parents.

Read: WATCH: KwaThema results for 2016 matric

“We’re still busy accessing the results, to see where we can improve,” he says.

N.N Ndebele Secondary School obtained a 73.15% pass rate.

Learners received 38 bachelors, 82 diplomas, 19 higher certificates and seven distinctions.

Out of 190 learners who wrote the exams, 139 passed.

M.O.M Sebone Secondary School received a pass rate of 66.5%, decreasing by 1.5% from last year’s 68%.

They received 61 bachelor passes, 81 diplomas, 51 higher certificates and 50 distinctions.

Principal Sylvester Ndebele says the school doesn’t belong where it is in terms of the pass rate, therefore they need to do better this year.

Read: Tsakane’s pass rates for 2016

Esibonelwesihle Secondary School’s pass rate has decreased from 62% to 57.55% this year.

The school saw 172 students writing the final exams and they managed to achieve 32 bachelors passes, 27 diplomas, 40 higher certificates and 10 distinctions.

Thandi Sibeko Secondary School managed a pass rate of 60.43%, increasing from 52.46% last year.

It achieved 14 bachelors’ passes, 46 diplomas, 24 higher certificates and three distinctions.

Of the school’s 139 matrics who wrote, 84 achieved.

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