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Celebrating local seniors

KwaThema – More than 400 seniors were treated to a tasty launch and food hampers during the holiday season.

The thanksgiving for seniors party was made possible by the Bahama Pub and Restaurant.

“This was our fourth year of holding such an event, as a way of celebrating and showing appreciation for our pensioners.

Read: Seniors need community’s help to raise funds

“We therefore catered for the seniors, providing them with a starter, main course and dessert.

“In addition to that, we handed them food hampers,” says owner of Bahama, Bongani Sikhosana.

He adds that the initiative has grown since 2015, when they had only catered for 222.

These seniors are from various clubs, old age homes and groups within the community.

Sikhosana says the event shows that Bahama is not just for young people, but also for the older generation – some of whom even go there regularly, to have their lunch.

“We’re very blessed to be able to celebrate with our seniors.

Read: Showing love and care to seniors

“As a business, we also assist two soccer teams with kit and registration fees, because this helps keep our children off the streets.

“We wish our seniors well as they grow older – and ask our young people to respect them and not rob them of their pension money,” he says.

Mkhulu Vusumusi Nkambule (65) says he doesn’t know how to thank Bahama for what they’ve done for them.

“It’s nice to have people who don’t even know you, go the extra mile to do something special for you.

“We truly appreciate what they’ve done for us,” he says.

Gogo Johannah Sibanyoni (64) says, as the seniors of KwaThema, they thank Sikhosana for this gesture.

“Blessed is the hand that gives, than the one that receives,” she says.

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