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Cleaning with a purpose

Christmas cleaning is a dreaded project for most people as it takes up time, is boring and leaves you tired.

There are however, ways of spicing it up so that it moves faster and becomes a more fun activity.

• Delegate

Don’t attempt to do all the work on your own, while everyone else in the house sits back and has fun – as that will leave you annoyed and frustrated.

Instead, make this a family activity so that it can work out quicker for everyone.

• Turn the cleaning into a game

You can easily turn the Christmas cleaning into something fun, such as a treasure hunt for your children.

Hide some nice treats or simple gifts they can find as they clean.

• Sell the stuff you don’t need

Most people love to have some extra cash to spend, so why not take all the things that you no longer want or need and sell them after the cleaning?

That way, you’ll be able to clean up the home, create more room and have extra cash to spend on whatever it is you want.

• Redecorate

When you change the look of a particular room or your entire home, it makes a difference and may just be the motivation you need to clean up the place.

You don’t even need to spend much. Buying a few items of furniture, accessories, paint or just changing the position of your current furniture, might do the trick.

• Reward yourself

After all the work is done, take some time out to reward yourself and your family who’ve helped with the process.

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