Gifts to avoid giving for Christmas

Finding the perfect gift for your loved one, family or friends can be a daunting task.

Some may give up the search and buy the next best thing they see, thinking ‘it’s the thought that counts’ or ‘at least they’ll get something’.

Some of the worst gifts to give on Christmas are:

• Hand lotions or soap products

No. Just, no. Hand lotions or other scented body products are impersonal gifts and definitely not the way to spread Christmas cheer.

• Socks

While a person can never have too many socks, it really isn’t one of the best Christmas presents to give (unless they have holes in all their old one), but try staying away from this clothing item.

• Underwear

Underwear is a sensitive subject as it is very private and, unless you know the size and taste of the person you are giving it to, it’s best to steer clear of this gift.

• Calendar

Er, take a pass on this one too.

Calendars, although useful, are not a great gift to give, especially since most people just use the built-in calendars on their phones.

• Vouchers

Vouchers can be incredibly useful and appreciated, but preferably as a birthday gift.

As a Christmas gift, a voucher comes across as impersonal.

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