Husband allegedly suffocated during house robbery

KwaThema – A couple was robbed in their home on Wednesday morning, leaving the 36-year-old husband dead on their kitchen floor.

Police say the incident occurred after 6am at a home in White City.

“The victim’s wife alleges that she and her husband went to the tuck shop, to buy bread that morning and when they got back home, they watched TV before he could go to work.

“Shortly after that, three unknown men wearing balaclavas entered their house – with one of them carrying a firearm.

Read: Man dies and woman injured during robbery

“They told her husband they wanted their money,” says police spokesman Capt Sibuyi.

While busy holding the husband to the ground, the wife attempted to escape but fell to the ground – and the intruder holding the firearm, told her not to scream.

She was then taken to their bedroom, where her wedding ring was allegedly taken from her finger.

“While the trio continued to be busy on the other side of the door, all the woman could hear was sounds of the drawers being opened and shut.

“Moments later, she heard footsteps and the door closing.

Read: Victim faces the barrels of three guns during armed robbery

“She went out of the bedroom, only to find her husband lying motionless on the kitchen floor with a plastic bag covering his head and face. She then called for help,” he says.

Both the couple’s rings were allegedly taken, along with their laptop.

Police are investigating a case of murder and house robbery.

Anyone with any information can contact KwaThema detectives on 011 812 4600.

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