Police warning to home owners

Duduza - The community of Duduza has been warned by the local police to remain vigilant and cautious during this festive season.

Police spokesman Sgt Harry Manaka, says this is due to the rise in house robberies in the area in the month of December.

Criminals seem to be targeting people in their houses, where they should be feeling safe, he says.

Therefore the community should not drop their guard, even when they are inside their homes.

“Keep your windows closed, doors and gates locked, don’t open up for strangers and always have police numbers at hand.

Read: Police warning to locals

“As the police of Duduza, we have also adopted a zero tolerance approach to crime and remain committed to ensuring that the community is protected at all times.

Read: Police warning – Fake prophets roaming the streets

“We promise that those who commit a crime will be tracked down and arrested, and it will be ensured that they face the full might of the law,” he says.

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