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Safety tips for December

KwaThema – The local police have compiled a list of safety tips to ensure that you have a safe festive season this December.

Police spokesman Capt Thabo Sibuyi says as the KwaThema police, they advise all residents to be extra careful during this time.

“People who’ll be cashing their share of stokvel money, should rather do that at the bank than at home.

“That is to avoid them being robbed at home, while they’re in the process of sharing the savings,” he says.

Sibuyi adds that it’s advisable for those intending to withdrew or share the money, not to share the information with other people – as that may lead to them being targeted by criminals.

Police also encourage home owners to know their neighbours and police contact numbers, so that they can call for help if anything suspicious happens at your home.

Read: Police safety tips for stokvel members

“If you are a person who likes going to taverns or pubs, be careful who and what information you share with the people you are with.

“Also don’t leave your drink unattended, as the people with you may spike your drink and rob you, rob your home – or maybe end up raping you.

“We’re also pleading with men to stop taking women they don’t know, home to their homes – as you never know what kind of a person you may be taking with you,” he explained.

Read: Safety belts save lives

Sibuyi adds that if you will he going away on holiday, ensure that you get a house sitter you can trust – so there can be movement in your home; as a house that is lit, quiet and has post which isn’t removed for days, attracts criminals.

“When in and outside of your yard, make sure that you check your surroundings thoroughly – as criminals sometimes leave signals for each other.

“These can vary from cans, bottles, to stones among other things – which may be signal if there are people in the yard or not, to a number of people outside the yard.

“If you do see anything suspicious on your pavements or gate, remove it urgently and always be vigilant,” he advises.

Local residents are urged to be cautious and always be on the lookout for people frequenting their streets at all times; and who may be following them.

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