Youngster shows act of kindness

Duduza - What may seem to be a basic to someone, may actually be a luxury to another person.

This is what has pushed Prince ‘Scoop’ Vundla to start collecting sanitary towels for young girls in need.

“I started doing these campaigns of collecting sanitary towels for disadvantaged girls as I was concerned with the amount of days girls were missing out on school during their menstrual cycle because of not affording sanitary towels.

Read: Lack of sanitary pads keeps girls out of school

“As a person who does T-shirts, I conducted my first campaign using profits from my business.

“The sanitary towels were well received. However, that is where I saw that the demand is huge,” says Vundla.

The young man shares that with the second campaign, he again bought some sanitary towels out of his own pocket while some help came from other individuals.

And that batch, he donated to the Department of Social Development in September.

Read: Learners get sanitary towel and toiletry donation

This has all led to him getting promises of sponsorships for the campaign in future, something he did not see coming.

“As we are approaching the holiday season, I worry about what these girls I have been helping will do.

“This is why I have decided to make an appeal to businesses and locals to come on board and help with donating sanitary towels.

“Through your donation, these young girls in need will at least have enough of a supply to last them till early next year,” he says.

Vundla adds that what drives him to continue with this initiative, even though most people do not get it, is the fact that his business survives because of other people.

It is, therefore, important for him to also try to help others who need assistance.

“If you come from a background where you were also in need at some point, then you can never turn a blind eye to those who need help.

“Let us help each other so that our young people can be happy and succeed.

“Working together this can grow beyond the borders of Kwatsaduza.

“I hope that this will also inspire other young people to see that we don’t always have to wait for a famous person or the government to do something for us, but can do things for ourselves,” says Vundla.

All people who are interested in helping in the campaign or with donating sanitary towels can contact Vundla on 073 990 4292.

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