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Principles for effective exam prep

Kwatsduza - As part of his book Action Leaning Methods - which examines why students fail, in order to avoid pitfalls - Prof Kennedy Skosana shares and outlines the different principles for effective learning.

Every student has to know and apply management principles for effective learning.

According to Professor Reg Revence, President of International Management Centres in the United Kingdom, the following are important principles to follow in education:

Planning is crucial, because it outlines how the learning is going to be done.

Read: Prof Skosana shares his expertise

Where there’s no plan, learning becomes poor and not effective.

The solution is to draw up a study time table.

The time table needs to be followed exactly.

A student has to accommodate a contingency plan for unforeseen disturbances.

Read: The different parts of an essay – Prof. Skosana tells all

Organising principle

The place of study must have a chair to sit upright, to avoid sleeping.

A cup of water needs to be in front of the student, so as to take a sip every five to 10 minutes.

Colour pens should be used to avoid sleepiness and to make sketches, that’ll help your memory remember information.

Aims principle

A clever student will have aims to be covered in a specific area of the subjects.

Objectives principle

Every student needs to set objectives – which is the total amount of work to be covered, with quantities to be achieved within a time limit.

At the end of the study period, a student must be able to:

• Know key words.

• Understand information.

• Remember and recall important facts.

• Relate information to the world.

• Be able to explain, discuss, describe and name the characteristics of what was studied.

The above needs to be done in every study period, in order to pass examinations at college and university.

Evaluation as a principle

Every student has to evaluate how well the studies are going; and how effective the methods of preparing for examinations are.

Controls as a principle

In all subjects, a student should set controls; such as with friends and television programmes.

In some cases, switch off the television.

Control your activities, so as to benefit the most in your studies.

Directing as a principle

Direct yourself to effectively focus on your programme of study.

Develop an ability to move from one subject to the next, by taking a break for five to 10 minutes in between.

Innovations as a principle

The principle of innovation is to adjust and introduce improvements after the process of evaluation, where necessary – to ensure effective studying, such as exaggerating and decorating sketches to improve short-, medium- and long-term memory systems.

Principle of self-testing

One of the most effective and diligent ways of preparing for examinations, is to use previous years’ examination question papers.

This innovation and self-test principles will help a student to:

• See how questions are asked.

• Practise how to answer questions.

•Read instructions.

• Review easy and difficult questions.

• Find facts in the notes and make summaries.

• Test your memory and your ability to recall information.

• Revise classwork, homework, projects, corrections of previous tests and practical projects.

Doing the above will help to boost your confidence.

Remember, you’re not going to know that you can do it, until you do it – for your success in the examinations.

Good luck for your 2016 examinations.

Go for it and success will be yours.

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