WATCH: Male Choir Extravaganza a success

Kwatsaduza – Choral music lovers gathered at the KwaThema Community Hall to listen to enlivening melodic sounds from various male choirs on Saturday.

And the second annual Male Choir Extravaganza hosted by the East Rand Male Symphony Choir did not disappoint.

With the aim of reviving male choirs and raising funds to assist impoverished organisations around Ekurhuleni, the PE Viola Men’s Chorus, the Welsh Male Choir, Anglo Gold Male Voices and the Sempre Brio joined the East Rand Male Symphony Choir on the day.

Secretary general of the East Rand Male Symphony Choir, Rama Mogaswane, says: “We are deeply touched and overwhelmed by the overall turnout of the choirs, even though some could not attend.

“Our biggest thank you also goes out to the community who have supported and been loyal to us over the years.

“We truly appreciate their love, support and continually believing in us,” he says.

Mogaswane also explains that the choir was established in August 1990.

“The establishment of the group took place during the most hostile period in KwaThema when young men were dying due to the Pan African Student Organisation (PASO) and the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) feud which had engulfed the entire township at the time.

“The fundamental purpose of the establishment was then mainly to defuse the situation and give hope to the KwaThema community that amidst that turmoil and troubled period, something positive could still emerge from the same guys.

“It was also to make a difference in the lives of most other young men, and also to excavate the hidden musical talent in the township which could be nurtured to the highest levels of the individual potentials,” he says.

Mogaswane says that there are currently 36 fully registered and committed members of the choir from around Ekurhuleni.

And that there has been a great response since the choir recently regrouped in 2012 after a long break of 10 years, with about 90% being the original founders of the choir.

See more photos here.

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