Six minors arrested for the murder of Veritas head boy

Six minors, aged between 16 and 17, have been arrested for the murder of the Veritas 2017 head boy, Abram Sibeko.

The Ekurhuleni East Trio Task team and SAPS Crime Prevention members launched a search operation to locate the perpetrators responsible for Sibeko’s death.

Read: Learner found murdered near railway line

Sibeko’s body was found behind a wall on the corner of Davies Drive and Rogers Road, Selection Park at 7am on September 30 (‘Learner found murdered near railway line’ Advertiser, October 6).

Springs police spokesman Capt Johannes Ramphora says the police followed up on information they received from the community and arrested one of the suspects at 7pm on Wednesday in Barcelona, KwaThema, followed by two more suspects and the last minor who was arrested at 10pm.

Two more suspects were arrested on Thursday bringing the total to six minors arrested.

According to Ramphora these two minors were involved in a business robbery in KwaThema and are also linked to Sibeko’s murder.

He says the minors will be taken to a place of safety where they will remain until their first court appearance.

The suspects allegedly approached the deceased while he was waiting for public transport to his house in Dunnottar on September 29.

“The suspects allegedly demanded the deceased’s cellphone and his cricket bag and when the deceased refused to hand it over to them, one of the minors took out a knife and stabbed Sibeko in his chest and ran away with the stolen goods,” says Ramphora.

Read:  Teenager’s stepmother arrested, school responds

The deceased’s body was found the next morning (September 30) at 7am by a member of the public.

Ramphora says the deceased was still wearing his school uniform and they alerted the boy’s father to the discovery of the body.

“The investigation continues and the court date is yet to be determined,” says Ramphora.

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