EMPD take drastic action against hawkers

Kwatsaduza – Various illegally erected structures were removed by the EMPD By-Laws Unit and Peace Corps last Wednesday.

This comes after several verbal and written warnings were given by the EMPD By-Laws Unit to hawkers.

“Numerous warnings had been issued to hawkers who had erected permanent illegal structures along Majola and Vlakfontein roads near the Duduza Taxi Rank, but continually fell on deaf ears.

“Therefore around 10am on Wednesday, the EMPD By-Laws Unit members assisted by the Peace Corps members decided to bring down the structures and confiscated all the materials,” says EMPD spokesman Wilfred Kgasago.

“A big container illegally placed on the sidewalk was among the structures confiscated.

“The drastic action by the unit was also prompted by numerous complaints from the community that the structures were an eyesore and invariably forced pedestrians to use the roadway exposing themselves to the danger of being run down by vehicles as the structures are built on the sidewalks,” he adds.

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