Social club donates school shoes

KwaThema –As part of their social responsibility programme Pool Social Club in KwaThema started their school shoe drive at Ntokozweni Primary School in KwaThema on Friday.

Twenty-six learners from Ntokozweni and Cedusizi Primary Schools received new school shoes and socks from the club.

The club has been donating school shoes and socks since 2011 to try and bridge the gap of less privileged going to school without proper school shoes.

Organiser of the programme, Oscar Nkabinde says as a club they saw that there was a need for them to help out those learners who can’t afford to buy school shoes because of their different backgrounds.

“We as men of the community wanted to play an active role in alleviating poverty in the community and ensuring that no child walks in the school gates without a proper pair of school shoes.

“All the donations are funded by every member of the club out of their pockets, so we are only donating shoes at the moment,” he says.

Most of the schools in KwaThema have benefited from the programme.

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