Tackling albinism in the community

KwaThema – Last Friday Mzimhlope Care and Development of Children (MCDC) hosted an albinism presentation at the KwaThema Skills Centre in an attempt to unify and form an organisation for albinos in the community.

Mandla Gininda, from MCDC, says it is important for albinos in the community to come together and tackle issues facing them as a unit, so they can raise awareness and educate the community about albinism.

Gininda says running an early childhood development centre in the community made him realise how children with albinism are not taken care of at crèches and schools.

“Since then I wanted to raise awareness and teach the community about the importance of taking care of albinos, who are already judged and ostracised by a minority of the public.

“I came across situations where albino children were not given the preference of sitting in front of a classroom even though they have an issue with their eyesight,” he explains.

Sthembiso Dlamini, co-ordinator from the Albinism Society of South Africa (ASSA) was present to encourage albinos in the community to have a voice and work together to try and break the stigma.

He says there aren’t any organisations in the community that cater for albinos and their needs, and as ASSA wants to assist as many of them as possible, forming an organisation is encouraged.

“ASSA wants albinos of Kwatsaduza to also benefit from dignity packs and other programmes that they run. If there is an organisation that solely deals with albinism it would make it easy for them to receive assistance and benefits like other organisations,” he adds.


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