A celebration for the elderly

KwaThema – Senior citizens of KwaThema Old Age Centre and KwaThema Skills Centre were spoilt with lunch on Tuesday at the KwaThema Community Hall when Environmental Dynamic organised a luncheon to celebrate Women’s Month and honour the senior citizens of the community.

Community leader, Fredda Padi, who co-ordinated the day, explains that her love for senior citizens is deep because they are the ones who moulded the community into what it is today. She added that they continue to play their part by sharing their knowledge and raising their grandchildren.

“I was also raised by my grandparents and it gives me so much pleasure to see the elderly smile and enjoy themselves, even if it’s for a day.

“Sometimes we tend to forget about them as a community so I wanted to do something special for them and also involve them as we celebrate Women’s Month as a country,” she says.

The festivities kicked off with an interesting history of KwaThema shared by the senior citizens themselves. This was followed by the keynote address, delivered by company CEO Yolandi Serfontein, who shared a poem about the major roles grandparents play in their family’s lives.

“As a company we wanted to give back to the community and what better way to do so than by celebrating the senior citizens of the community?

“I have a very soft spot for the elderly because I also have grandparents who play a very important role in my life. I wanted to do something special for other senior citizens to make them feel that they are loved and remembered by the community,” she says.

The company will continue to salute and spoil the senior citizens annually going forward.

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