Never-ending sewage misery for resident

Tsakane - Vincent Mabaso (55) has lost hope of his yard ever being completely rid of the sewage oozing into it.

The African Reporter first visited Mabaso in June, when he had already reported the sewage problem but seemingly the problem persists. The Extension 16 residents says since the African Reporter visited, the metro sent out people who came and fixed the problem but the repair only lasted for a day. The next day it was back to the manhole flooding again.

“I feel so helpless. I have stopped calling because once they hear it’s me, they automatically have an attitude.

“I’m not quite sure where else I can go and seek help because this is a serious issue for my family and me,” says Mabaso.

His neighbours are also suffering because the sewage seeps through to their yards and the stench looms along the whole street.

Mabaso’s child was sick and doctors didn’t know what was the problem. He claimed it could have been the sewage they’ve had to endure for so long that might have made his daughter ill.

“I can longer keep my child indoors after so many months. She also needs to play and develop like other children. It’s just that she isn’t able to enjoy playing outside the yard like other children.

“I fear what will happen now that the rainy summer season is almost here. My house becomes a pool of sewage.

“It is unbelievable that a person can live in such conditions,” adds the frustrated resident.

The African Reporter sent questions to the Ekurhuleni Metro, who didn’t respond.

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