Robbers open fire on community members

Duduza – On Saturday evening, two armed suspects entered and robbed a tuck shop in Extension Three, shooting at community members when the tuck shop owner screamed for help.

According to police, the duo entered the yard at about 8.10pm, finding the complainant (29) outside his home.

They pointed a firearm at him and ordered him to go inside the house with his children (ages unknown).

As they went in, the suspects discovered the complainant’s partner and her friend were there.

They demanded cash, cellphones and the car keys for the bakkie.

They then entered the tuck shop, which is run from one of the rooms of the house, and stole airtime, cigarettes and more cash.

The vehicle, however, was not taken.

“As the suspects went out, the complainant ran after them while screaming for help.

“The two then starting shooting, causing community members to come out, as they attempted to assist.

“More shots were fired by the two men, who ran over to a Cressida and fled the scene,” says Capt Johannes Ramphora.

A business robbery case is being investigated.

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