
Who is responsible for a water leak on private property?

The Ekurhuleni Metro has given helpful tips on who is responsible for water leaks on a private property.

According to the metro’s Facebook page, they state that the metro maintains and repairs the water mains up to the water meter.

All piping from the meter onto private property is the responsibility of the owner or tenant, as dictated by the lease agreement.

If a leak occurs on the property, a registered private plumbing contractor should be called to fix the problem.

It is in the resident’s best interest to have a leak repaired immediately as the leak will push water consumption up, which will incur a higher bill.

Water use is billed according to an increasing sliding scale tariff, this means that the more water is used due to a leak, the more a resident pays.

Should a burst pipe or leak occur on a roadway or pavement, it must be reported to the municipality as soon as possible.

It is illegal for a consumer or private contractor to tamper with a water meter.

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