Woman attacked by former lover in KwaThema

KwaThema - A man (age unknown) was arrested over the weekend, following an attack on his former lover (age unknown) when she refused to go back to him.

According to the KwaThema police spokesman, W/O David Mphali, the incident occurred on Sunday around 12.10pm when the complainant was walking along along Pule Street.

She came across her ex-boyfriend, who asked her where she was going.

As the woman mentioned she was on her way to fetch her shoes, she says the accused told her to go to his place and threatened to slap her if she responded with an attitude.

“While she was walking away from the suspect, the man followed her, shouting that the complainant should go back to him, but as she turned to refuse, the suspect allegedly grabbed a brick and hit her on her forehead.

“Seeing she was injured, the complainant called the police for help,” said Mphali.

The suspect was later arrested for assault with intent to commit grievous bodily harm to the woman.

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