Artist celebrates birthday with underprivileged

Tsakane - Local artist Joe Nina celebrated his birthday with the children of Lord Is My Provider Centre in Langaville last Sunday where they were spoilt to lunch and received toys and winter clothes.

This was his third birthday celebration which he enjoyed with the orphaned and abandoned children.

He says he was introduced to the home in 2013 and he was touched by what the caregivers at the home were doing by taking in these children and providing a home for them.

“There was so much that needed to be done at the home which made me adopt the home and contribute the little I have as an artist who has been in the music industry for 25 years.

“I have adopted the home and made it a point to celebrate my birthday with the children who I see as my own,” says Nina.

Thuli Nhlapo, one of the founders of the home, says they are grateful for the contribution from Nina and his musician friends to ensure children have basic needs and have a safe environment to live in.

“We have 11 children living with us full time and others come on a daily basis to have meals with us. Our biggest challenge is space because we cannot take in more children as our current space isn’t big enough.

“The need for places of safety is great in our community and we couldn’t have been able to help if people such as Nina were not making donations to assist us,” explains Nhlapo.

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