No place for recyclables

Tsakane – All they want is recycling space to store all their recyclables after a long day of collecting waste.

Members of Iphupo Lethu Co-operative are currently storing their recyclables at Alexiam Mngaxti’s (61) house, which is causing a problem for neighbours and other residents in the community.

According to Mngaxti the Department of Health has warned them in the past that they shouldn’t pile up waste in a resident’s home, but the waste reclaimers say they don’t have any other place to store their recyclables.

“We know that storing waste in our homes poses danger to our families and neighbours, hence we need the municipality to identify space where we can store our recyclables until we sell them,” says Mngaxti.

Thelma Ndzima, another recycler says this is the only way they survive and get to put food on the table for their families but the fact they are not catered for as recyclers isn’t fair.

“There are many recyclers in the community and all of us have the same problem, which is storing our recyclables. What we want is for our municipality to also acknowledge us as this is our full-time job just like any other job,” she adds.

Zweli Dlamini, spokesman of the Ekurhuleni Metro says this is not a special case and the Metro cannot identify land for recyclers to store their rubble but the waste reclaimers need to find a safer and more effective way to store their recyclables.

“The Metro doesn’t discourage people for making a living but cannot condone business that poses a health hazard to other residents,” says Dlamini.

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