
Man hunt launched for hijackers

KwaThema - The police are urging residents to be more vigilant following two hijackings that occurred in the area over the weekend.

The first hijacking took place at Pule Street in Verganong on May 27, when a couple was on the pavement, sitting in the car, were approached by two suspects.

“These men who had covered their mouths, opened the doors of the vehicle, pointed at the couple with a firearm and ordered them to go out.

“They then searched the couple, robbed them of R500 in cash and fled the scene with the hijacked green VW Polo Playa with registration number NLT 893 GP,” says W/O David Mphali.

He adds that with the second incident which took place on the following day at the corner of Monareng and Mavuso streets, at about 4am, a Ford Bantum with three armed unknown suspects obstructed the victims’ vehicle.

They then approached the complainants, ordered the driver of the vehicle along with his friend to get out, searched them and took the friend’s cellphone.

Thereafter the suspects took the Ford Fiesta with registration number FNZ 956 GP and fled the scene in both cars.

Mphali says no arrests have been made and neither of the cars has been recovered.

Anyone with information can contact Detective W/O Mxolisi Nkosi on 011 812 4600.

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