Man gets shot for ‘taking suspect’s hat’

Tsakane – A 26-year-old foreign national male has been arrested by the police for his involvement in a case of attempted murder.

The arrest took place on March 7, at about 1pm at Kubu Street in Tsakane.

According to police spokesperson Capt Petros Mabuza, this comes after it was alleged that on February 25 at about 20.15pm the suspect and his friends assaulted and shot a 35-year-old complainant who sustained a shot wound on his upper body and had to be rushed to Pholosong Hospital for medical treatment.

“From information we have received, it is alleged that the suspect says the complainant took his hat from him.

“He then attempted to take it back but seemingly failed.

“Afterwards, it seems as though the accused shared the information with his friends and they then went back to attack the complainant, who says the men found him at Kubu Street, where they assaulted and shot him,” he says.

Mabuza adds that at this point in is unclear who this hat actually belongs to and who exactly shot the victim: the friends or the arrested suspect.

After the incident, when the police went to look for the suspect at the shop where he works, they did not find him there. However, when he was spotted on Monday the police were alerted and were able to arrest him.

Mabuza says the suspect will soon appear at Tsakane Magistrate’s Court.

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