Watch: Learning about caring for animals

KwaThema - An educational dog show was hosted at the Phelang Learning with Special Educational Needs School in KwaThema on Friday.

The show was conducted by the Geluksdal Paw Buddies K9 Training, with the main purpose of educating children more about caring for dogs, animal hygiene, how to communicate with animals, how to protect them and how dogs can be helpful and beneficial to them.

Demonstrations were also given to the learners and staff to show how one can communicate better with their animal, how dogs react to poison, and games that are suitable to be played with dogs to keep them entertained and get them active.

Dog trainer Thulani Manana says that through these shows they are hoping to be able to educate more communities that dogs don’t have to be kept at the back of the house as they too need to be loved and cared for.

“I started being exposed to dogs when I was young and this is where my love for them came into play.

“Dogs can be beneficial to you and your families in terms of what they can be taught.

“Through this we are also trying to break this culture of dog fights in our communities and the different myths there are about pit bulls,” he says.

Manana adds that by teaching these young people, they are hoping that they will be able to pass on the education to their peers and family members since some of them do have dogs at home.

“My dream is for us to, in the long run, be able to use these dogs to help in taking drugs out our schools.

“We will also return to this school to teach them more on how having a dog can work for them and be therapeutic to children living with disabilities,” says Manana.

Teacher Tiro Ramasoti says the show has benefited their children because now they know more about animals and that they too are just like humans.

“They have learnt that they must be kind to animals, care for them and not ill treat them,” she says.

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