How to spot a drug user

Every parent fears their children may someday use drugs and destroy their lives through some type of substance abuse.

Children can regularly be pressured into taking drugs or feel there is no other way to cope with their situation.

Often circumstances at home or school can lead them down the wrong path.

While it is every parent’s wish to avoid the whole scenario completely, it may not always be possible.

When parents strongly suspect their child is using some type of substance, but are not completely sure, here are signs to look out for if they are using any narcotics:

Physical signs

Behavioural Signs

Signs of different drug uses:

Red eyes, loud talking and inappropriate laughter followed by sleepiness, loss of interest or motivation and/or weight gain or loss.

Clumsiness, difficulty walking, slurred speech, sleepiness, poor judgment and/or dilated pupils.

Hyperactivity, euphoria, irritability, anxiety, excessive sleeping at odd times, going for long periods of time without eating or sleeping, dilated pupils, weight loss and/or dry mouth and nose.

Needle marks, sleeping at unusual times, sweating, vomiting, coughing and sniffling, twitching, loss of appetite, contracted pupils and no response of pupils to light.

Seems drunk as if from alcohol but without the associated odour of alcohol, difficulty concentrating, clumsiness, poor judgment, slurred speech, sleepiness and contracted pupils.

Watery eyes, headaches and nausea, appearance of intoxication, drowsiness, poor muscle control, anxiety, irritability and/or impaired vision, memory and thought.


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