Addressing health matters

Tsakane - On Tuesday the Peer Educators of Pholosong Hospital, working under the Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) Programme of the hospital, gave educational talks on HIV/Aids and Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) to pupils at Buhlbemfundo Secondary School in Tsakane.

According to the hospital spokesperson Thabisile Mkhwanazi, these talks form part of the activities the hospital conducts during STI/Condom Week.

Mkhwanazi says that during this time, the talks are targeting learners in Grades 7 to 10 from various schools.

“The educational talks are aimed at empowering the learners with information and engaging them on topics around the prevention of STIs as well as safe practices on reproductive health.

“The talks also preach the message of prevention and abstinence among the youth,” she says.

One of the Grade 9 learners at the school, Siphesihle Nkosi, says that he has learnt a lot from the talk, especially about STIs.

“Now I know how STIs are transmitted and that it is important to always use a condom,” said Nkosi.

Another learner, Nontando Vimbi adds that she has learnt that it is her responsibility to take care of her life.

The school staff expressed their support for the educational talks, saying that children are vulnerable and usually want to practise what they have seen. Therefore it is important to have these talks, so that they may have the power to say no.

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