Struggling with maths, accounting or physical science? Read this

KwaThema - Accounting and Science Scholastics will be hosting their open day on January 16 at 9am, at the Zamani Primary School in KwaThema.

The organisation which tutors matric learners in maths, physical science and accounting started in 2011 with the aim of helping learners understand and develop a passion for these subjects that are believed to be difficult at school.

Maths tutor, Karabo Sello, says it’s his passion to improve learners’ understanding of maths and improve their results at school.

“Any learning area should be a lifestyle for learners, where they can apply it in their daily lives.

“A learner’s lifestyle at home better predicts their results than the school they attend,” he says.

Banele Ndaba attended the programme in December to cultivate his maths skills which will see him making strides in his matric year, this year.

He says since he started the programme his outlook on the subject has changed and he has a better understanding of the subject too.

“I would advise any learners who are struggling with these subjects to come for tutorials,” he adds.

Sello says it is compulsory for learners to come with their parents to the open day.

For more information contact Sello on 062 125 6884 or 076 889 6002.

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