Man dies after being shot in the head

Etwatwa – A 54-year-old man was shot in the head and died on Sunday evening, at Barcelona, at about 9pm.

According to the Etwatwa police spokesperson, Const Pearl van Staad, it is alleged by some community members that the man was gunned down by a shop owner.

“The residents claim that after the shop owner’s shop was allegedly robbed by a man in a white top, the owner got into his car and randomly shot at the first person he saw wearing a white top.

“The man who was shot died on the spot.

“That same night there was also another victim, a 17-year-old boy who was also shot at, who we believe is connected to the same case, and he was taken to the Far East Rand Hospital for medical treatment,” she says.

The police say no arrests have been made but they are still investigating further as they have not found any clear information confirming these allegations.

“We have opened a skeleton docket as we just found out where the deceased is from but are not sure on the other information, hence we are still investigating.

“A case of murder and of attempted murder have been opened at the Etwatwa Police Station,” she adds.

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