Team coach gets a surprise

KwaThema – Last Friday the senior citizens at the KwaThema Old Age Centre donated groceries to their athletic coach, Themba Skosana, as symbol of appreciation.

The senior citizens wanted to thank Skosana for all his hard work and commitment to the athletic team, which also made it to the national competition this year.

“Skosana has been a good to us, making sure that we keep fit through exercising regularly and eating well, “says the team.

“This is just a gesture of appreciation to the person who has made it possible for us to go out there and compete in athletic competitions and make it to the nationals,” says Thelma Nhleko.

“I’m overwhelmed by this generous gesture from all the senior citizens of the centre, it means so much to me,” says Skosana.

Monica Kgoloane, centre manager says Skosana has been dedicated it is his work at the centre, helping out where he can and leading the athletic team to victory.

“I’m also happy that the elderly people saw it necessary to thank him, as he does everything free of charge and doesn’t get paid to train the athletic team.

“He is passionate about old people and we really would love him to be a part of the centre for a long time because the old people have grown fond of him,” says Kgoloane.

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