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New roads for Reedville

KwaThema – Residents of Reedville’s Luanda, Bogota and Prague Lanes will not have to worry about the bad street conditions any longer as new tarred roads are underway.

The construction of the roads started in June and will be completed by December.

Not only did this project bring development to Reedville, it also secured 10 job opportunities for young, unemployed locals.

Chief liaison officer for the project, Phineas Moleko, hopes they will meet the December deadline.

“The weather plays a role in how long it takes, and if we experience more bad weather, it may delay the process,” says Moleko.

Ward councillor for the area, George Vilakazi, says he is happy no challenges have been encountered during the construction of the roads.

He adds that five more roads will be constructed in the near future.

“I thank the community of Reedville for their patience during the process,” says Vilakazi.

Resident Nopinky Mthiyane says she is excited about the tarred roads because she will no longer have to walk along muddy streets when it rains.

“The gravel roads get muddy after it rains and we would have to be cautious when walking, and cars struggle to move,” she says.

She adds that the new roads are a good sign that the community is developing like others in the area.

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