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Roads with no speed humps pose danger

Tsakane – Residents of Extension 17 in Tsakane are fed up with motorists speeding past Cornwell Street putting the lives of pedestrians and children in danger.

As a result the residents have barricaded the road with concrete pipes and stones to ensure motorists slow down.

According to residents three children have been hit by cars since the beginning of this year and another pedestrian was recently hit by a car.

“We need speed humps in this street, because motorists drive at a ridiculous speed and we fear for our children and other pedestrians crossing the street,” says Catherine Nkosi, a resident.

Grace Mtshali’s five-year-old grandson was hit by a car in March 2014 while playing with his friends.

According to Mtshali, her grandson was crossing the road to where his friends were playing, when he was hit by a speeding car.

“If there were speed humps on this road, cars would not travel at the speed they are because they would have to mind the speed humps, but because of no speed humps they have turned this street into a race track,” she says.

Residents say they have been requesting that speed humps be erected since last year but nothing has been done.

Community leader, Victor Lukhele, says the street is very busy as it is a route that taxis use for picking up and dropping off commuters.

“We have brought the issue to the ward councillor’s attention but until now we have not received any response,” says Lukhele.

Ward Cllr Silas Letsimo says he shares the community’s sentiments and has requested that the Department of Transport erect speed humps on Cornwell Street.

“As a councillor I’m well aware of the issue and I have asked the EMPD to leave the concrete pipes and stones that barricade motor vehicles from passing the road. The Department of Transport needs to do their part in making sure that no more people are killed on this road and if it means that the community has to barricade the road, so be it,” he says.

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