Daveyton sector vehicle numbers

Daveyton – The SAPS continues to encourage residents to know which sectors they fall under and their sector vehicle numbers, so that they can get an urgent response in their time of need.

Sector one of Daveyton serves Extension Two, Extension Six, Xhosa Section, Zulu Section, Swazi Section and Tsonga Section.

Residents from these areas can call 071 675 6730, 071 675 6731 or 082 301 2340.

Sector two serves the Police Station area, Sinaba Stadium, Central and Extension Three.

Residents from these areas can contact 071 675 6732, 071 675 6733 or 082 301 2227.

Sector three serves residents living near the Daveyton Cemetery, Gumbi Street, Ndebele Section, Golf Course, Chris Hani Extension One and Two, Vergenoeg, Mkhazenke and Sgothi –Phola.

Residents from these sections can call 071 675 6734, 071 675 6735 or 082 557 7028.

Sector four serves the Sotho Section, Daveyton Mall, hostel, railway station, Sotho Section, Gabon and Chris Hani Extensions Three and Four.

Residents from these areas can contact 071 675 6736, 071 675 6737 or 082 301 2228.

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