Celebrating cancer survivors

Geluksdal – The Geluksdal Soul Family Support Group hosted their annual Cancer Awareness Walk at the Geluksdal Stadium recently.

The two-hour walk started at the stadium and proceeded around Geluksdal and then back to the stadium.

The walk was followed by an educational programme about cancer, which was presented to those community members who participated in the walk.

This annual walk also sought to celebrate local cancer survivors and people living with cancer.

Representatives from the Cancer Association of South Africa were present to conduct cancer screening and raise awareness about breast cancer and other cancers.

Debbie Keyser, secretary of the support group, says it is imperative to continuously educate the community about cancer until people make it a lifestyle habit to go for screenings and medical check-ups.

She believes cancer survivors should be celebrated because they give hope to those who are fighting cancer.

“We have called cancer survivors and people who have lost loved ones to cancer to come and celebrate their victory and honour the ones who fought right through till the end,”says Keyser.

Cancer survivor Ivy Mahlangu-Mtshali (46), says it is a good thing that survivors are also involved in the campaign so they are able to share and educate community members about the road to recovery and the importance of having a strong support system when living with cancer.

“Family members and the community play a very important role when one is dealing with cancer.

“With their support, it brings hope to cancer patients to know that there are people who are with them every step of the way,” says Mtshali.

People need to know that cancer is not a death sentence, it is manageable and curable if it is detected early, hence we encourage people to go for regular screenings, she adds.

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