New chief of police hails from Duduza

Duduza – The newly elected chief of police for the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD), Bafana Andries Mahlabe, was born on July 6, 1969, in the township of Duduza.

He started his schooling at Thakgalang Lower Primary School, moved to Mmuso Higher Primary and proceeded to Esibonelwesihle Senior Secondary School.

“I was an underground operative of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in the early 80s, and left the country to go into exile in Angola where I received basic guerilla warfare training at Quibaxe, which is in the north of Angola.

“The training I received included firearms, engineering, anti-aircraft weapons, military combat work which is intelligence related, topography, physico, tactics, politics and communications among other things,” says Mahlabe.

After completing his warfare training he completed a post graduate diploma in political science at the Sofia Academy of Social Science in Bulgaria.

Mahlabe says he then became a commissar in the camps of Umkhonto we Sizwe, where he was responsible for political education in Angola and later Uganda at the Dr Hugo Nkabinde Training College.

“I proceeded to do platoon and company commanders courses at Jinja, which is in Uganda, under the support of the Tanzania Military Training Team.

“When I returned from exile in October 1993, I was deployed at Shell House, the headquarters of the ANC, in the office of the former commander of the MK, the late Joe Modise.

“I worked in the office of the former chief of staff, General Sphiwe Nyanda, as the staff officer to former chief of the navy, Rear Admiral Refiloe Mudimu,” he adds.

In December 1993, Mahlabe was selected to train in Gweru, Zimbabwe, and returned to South Africa just 10 days before the first national democratic elections on April 27, 1994.

He integrated into the South African National Defence Force as the youngest Major and was later promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the infantry.

Mahlabe trained with the Four Artillery Regiment in Potchefstroom and upon completion was deployed to the 115 Battalion at Murray Hill in Pretoria, the 117 Battalion at Soekmekaar, Limpopo, the 21 Battalion at Lenasia, Johannesburg, army headquarters, defence headquarters and later recruited to the National Intelligence Agency.

“In addition to this, I also have a public relations certificate from PRISA and a post graduate diploma from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom.

“I have worked in the office of the MMC of transport in Ekurhuleni, Clr Thumbu Mahlangu, and later as manager of the Demilitarisation Programme Project in the office of the executive mayor, Clr Mondli Gungubele.

“And now it gives me great joy to be the new EMPD chief of police.” says Mahlabe.

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