
Door-to-door campaign a success

KwaThema – The Caswell Abuse Movement (CSAM) partnered with the KwaThema SAPS to embark on a door-to-door campaign in Tornado section last month to determine how many crimes and social problems are unreported in the community.

According to Caswell Gxowa (49), the organisation’s founder, the findings were shocking and many incidents, including abuse and domestic violence, aren’t reported to police.

He believes this is due to fear of reprisal and no faith in the law.

“This campaign has proved to us that we need to do more as a community in partnership with the SAPS to combat the social ills that are affecting people of our community,” he says.

Through the campaign, 200 dockets were opened and a number of arrests were made.

The next campaign is set to start at the end of October where they will be visiting other sections in the community.

Amos Tshabalala (62), a member of CSAM, says that if more door-to-door campaigns are conducted, the crime rate may reduce because criminals will fear being caught.

“We will continue with the campaign until we have reported all the crimes and social problems, and they have been dealt with,” says Tshabalala.

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