Facts about breast cancer

Kwatsaduza - The word cancer generally gives most people the chills because they automatically think of death.

That is one of the many myths which make people live in fear.

Here are seven popular myths and facts about breast cancer:

n Myth – Breast cancer affects only females

n Fact – Men can also get breast cancer even though it is not that common. Men should also have regular checkups.

n Myth – Young women don’t get breast cancer and don’t have to worry about having checkups.

n Fact – It is recommended that young women from the age of 20 do self breast examinations every month and get a medical exam every three years.

n Myth – Breast cancer is infectious.

n Fact – One cannot get breast cancer by being in contact with someone who has it.

n Myth – Breast cancer is a generic disease.

n Fact – There is no concrete proof that a person can get breast cancer because family members have it. It is every individual’s choice to be cautious and go for regular mammograms and medical checkups.

n Myth – Women with smaller breasts are not at risk of getting breast cancer.

n Fact – The size of your breasts don’t determine whether or not you are at risk of getting breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs in the same area of the breast.

n Myth – Breast cancer always appears as a lump

n Fact – A breast will not always develop a lump when you have breast cancer.

n Myth – Black people don’t get breast cancer.

n Fact – Breast cancer occurs in people of all races.

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