OVL gang allegedly terrorizes Etwatwa community

Daveyton - Three teenage boys have been killed in Etwatwa in apparent gang-related violence.

Members of a gang known as OVL have allegedly been terrorising members of the community in Etwatwa for months.

On Sunday night, the body of a 16-year-old boy was found burnt to death.

He was allegedly killed by members of the gang.

On Monday, two teenagers, suspected to be members of the gang, were hanged and burnt to death.

It is suspected the murder of the two was carried out by angry members of the community in an apparent revenge attack

The OVL gang is notorious in Etwatwa for robbing and killing.

According to residents, the gang is made up of over a 100 teenage boys aged between 14 and 18 years of age, who are said to be very dangerous, carrying dangerous weapons and kill without hesitation.

Gauteng police spokesperson Lieut Col Lungelo Dlamini says all three bodies were burnt and the motive of the killings is still unknown.”We have not made any arrests and are still in the process of investigating the matter,” he says.

Ekurhuleni mayor Clr Mondli Gungubele condemned the violence and gangsterism that has claimed lives of the young people in Etwatwa.

“We strongly condemn these acts of gangsterism. Violence is never an answer to any problem, especially gang-related violence which is a cancer that eats into the community claiming many lives in the process,” says Gungubele.

He added that although the community is commended for taking a stance against gangsterism in Daveyton, it is regrettable that some have actually gone further to take the law into their own hands and resort to mob justice which is a crime on its own.

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