Fourth teen set alight in Etwatwa

Daveyton - A fourth teen has been set alight in Mandela Section in Etwatwa following the gang and community violence that has been rife in the area.

The teenage boy survived the ordeal and has been rushed to a local hospital, where he is recovering from the injuries he suffered.

According to the EMPD spokesperson Clifford Shongwe the incident happened around noon today and they are not sure whom is responsible.

“We are not sure if the teenage boy is a member of the OVL gang or not, we are still investigating the matter,” says Shongwe.

The OVL gang has been terrorising community members of Etwatwa, and community members have retaliated and sought revenge on the gang members.

Ekurhuleni mayor Clr Mondli Gungubele was at Tshipi Noto Primary School in Etwatwa this morning to address residents to stop the violence in the community.

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