Women’s Month celebrated

Daveyton - The Daveyton Stand-Up Committee hosted a Women's Dialogue at the Donkey Church last Saturday to celebrate Women's Month.

The dialogue aimed to educate, motivate and guide women and young girls about the beauty of being a woman and the ways in which to triumph adversity in the modern society.

Women took to the stage to discuss predominant issues in the community and find solutions for women to be safe and alert to such problems.

The issues that were of concern were domestic violence and rape as many women fall victim to such crimes.

Cynthia Magagula (43) says if women were more vocal about such issues and shared their experiences with other women, young women will be educated about these problems and know what to do when they come across these situations in their lives.

“We want our young women and girls to be wary of relationships and situations that may lead them to being victims of violence and rape,” says Magagula.

The dialogue also celebrated women and young girls who rise above adversity and make a difference in their communities.

Khanyisile Nkosi (19) is happy that women were able to come together and talk about pressing issues and share their experiences and knowledge.

“This is what young girls need, to hear about the realities of being a woman in South Africa and grab the opportunities that women are given,” says Nkosi.

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