New classrooms will encourage learners

Tsakane - The building of new classrooms will help bring dignity to Michael Zulu Primary School, while also encouraging learners to love education.

A few months ago, the school received a cheque of R100 000 from Krones Southern Africa for improvements.

Some of the learners, including those in Grade R, are forced to use a shack as their classroom.

Things are about to change for the best, however, as the contractor is on site preparing for the building of two new classrooms and a learning centre.

The bricks for construction are made by a local company.

Project manager Tshikalange Mulaudzi says the bricks, which are made by mixing cement and the soil from the school’s yard, are stronger than normal bricks.

He says with the help of the community members who have been employed to help during the construction, the company aims to complete the building work by November.

“We want to ensure the learners get their classrooms as soon as possible,”says Mulaudzi.

He appeals to parents and businesses to take part in the education of children from the townships.

Speaking on behalf of the community, ward councillor for the area, Shimane Kodisang, says the 12 residents who have been employed in this project will gain skills they will be able to use forever.

“The building and brick making skills they will gain during the project will open doors of employment for them,” says Kodisang.

School principal Lindiwe Vilakazi thanks all the companies that have helped the school for the benefit of learners.

She says the new classrooms will help learners concentrate in class.

“During the winter season learners are freezing inside the shack, while in summer the heat is unbearable,” Vilakazi adds.

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