Senior citizens get new blankets

KwaThema - Senior citizens at KwaThema Old Age Centre received blankets and toiletries on Tuesday.

This is after various companies made donations to the centre, to enable the senior citizens to keep warm and clean this winter.

Centre manager Monica Kgoloane says the old people are delighted to have an extra blanket and enough toiletries to keep themselves clean.

She thanks the companies that donated to the centre for showing love and ensuring the comfort of the senior citizens.

Kgoloane challenges the companies in and around Springs to do something good for the elderly.

“The community needs to treat old people with love, respect and care, as they are the source of knowledge which we need in order to learn more in life,” says Kgoloane.

One of the recipients, Hendry Mokgafe (92), says he is happy about the donation.

He says the new blanket which he received will help him when he is fetches his pension money.

“During cold days my blanket will help me keep warm while I am waiting oin a queue to get my money,” says the excited Mokgafe.

Thanking the companies that donated to them, Mokgafe encourages them to continue helping old people and all those who need help the most.

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