Mandela DayNews

What are you doing for Mandela Day?

People have the power and responsibility to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Mandela Day is about doing good and serving the community or an organisation in one way or another for 67 minutes.

People have the power and responsibility to lend a helping hand to those in need.

If you don’t know what you are going to do yet to contribute to this day, here are some quick ideas:

  • Bake cookies and hand them out at the police station
  • Clean up your local park
  • Put a smile on the elderly’s faces by doing small jobs around their homes
  • Paint or repair the little things at child care centre
  • Volunteer at any organisation for 67 minutes
  • Hand out warm clothes and blankets to the underprivileged
  • Hand out books at a youth centre or orphanage
  • Have a soup kitchen for the underprivileged
  • Donate blood and save a life
  • Hand out soft toys at a children’s hospital

Many businesses and community members have come together to serve the community.

Sanet van Moerkerken from the Springs and KwaThema Child Welfare Society says rather than volunteering at their offices, they have requested the community to deposit R67 into their bank account.

Other businesses have chosen to help organisations such as the SPCA and Epilepsy SA Centre in Daggafontein, with work around their premises.

What are you doing for Mandela Day?

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