Mandela DayNews

How senior citizens celebrate Mandela Day

Kwatsaduza - Many senior citizens in Kwatsaduza celebrate Mandela Day by sharing stories about Madiba's fight for freedom with their grandchildren.

As millions of people around the world celebrate Mandela Day on July 18, old people from Kwatsaduza also have a special way of celebrating the day.

Peter Mokoena (67) from Tsakane says Mandela Day means freedom to him and he likes to spend it with his grandchildren, telling them stories about Madiba’s life on Robben Island.

Mokoena says he prays for more involvement on this day from the youth in making a positive change.

He says he is happy that, even after the death of the former president, the world still remembers the role Mandela played in the fight against apartheid and that his birthday is still seen as a day to be celebrated.

“I believe Madiba was born to be a leader and his work will be remembered forever. His stories of liberation must be told to more generations,” says 72-year-old Rebecca Masuku from KwaThema.

Masuku says the day is meant for people around the world to love and help each other.

She celebrates the day with her grandchildren and also does her part by spending 67 minutes helping a charity organisation of her choice.

“It should be celebrated by working or donating to the needy without expecting any benefits in return,” says Mokoena.

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