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67 minutes for Mandela Day explained

"It is in your hands now."

Mandela Day is held annually on July 18 and is known as 67 minutes for Mandela Day.

People across the world take part in this day by doing something good for 67 minutes, but how many people know the actual reason behind this?

Why 67 minutes for Mandela Day?

Some may have wondered why the 67 minutes is relevant and have speculated that it may have perhaps originated from the number of his prison cell on Robben Island.

This is not the case.

The reason: one minute is counted for every year Mandela served the country.

Mandela has had an international effect since 1942 when he first started to campaign for human rights.

Mandela International Day was launched in 2009 via unanimous decision at the UN General Assembly and has been in effect ever since.

So for 67 years he spent making the world a better place, and one minute for each year needs to be spent doing something good.

Why July 18?

July 18 is Mandela’s day of birth and it was decided to hold Mandela Day on this special day.

He also announced this idea on his 90th birthday in London’s Hyde Park, in England, saying, “It is time for new hands to lift the burdens. It is in your hands now.”

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