Pothole disaster

KwaThema - An accident is waiting to happen at the corner of Thage and Mona streets in Mini Selcourt Section, where a pothole poses a great danger to motorists and pedestrians.

Resident Siphiwe Nkabinde says the pothole started forming in May, last year.

He says the streets are very busy during peak hours, and that a child was almost hit by a taxi when the driver swerved to avoid hitting the pothole.

Nkabinde explains he tried to repair the pothole and filled it with sand, but after heavy rains, it reopened.

“I have reported the matter on numerous occasions and nothing has been done to fix the road,” he says.

Ward 77 councillor Wilson Bosakwe says residents must be patient as the Ekurhuleni Metro is in the process of repairing potholes in Kwathema.

According to him, workers are currently working in different sections of the township and will attend to the pothole soon.

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