Eskom fights illegal connections

Langaville - Illegal electricity connections were disconnected in Langaville Extension Six and Marikana Section last week.

Resident Mduduzi Masombuka says Eskom, in conjunction with the EMPD and SAPS, disconnected the illegal connections on Thursday and Friday.

Masombuka explains the officials removing the cables were accompanied by community members from Mandela Section, in Tsakane.

It is believed these residents reported the illegal connections to authorities because their own electricity was continuously tripping.

“The removal of the cables is not wrong, these cables should not affect those who are legally connected,” says Masombuka.

Ward 81 councillor Mtumeleni Nditha says he is aware of the disconnections of illegal cables in the area.

He adds that the Ekurhuleni Energy Department in the process of addressing the electricity crisis in Langaville, where electricity is yet to be supplied to an informal settlement in the area.

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