Health 4 Men

Health for Men hosted an edutainment project, Zwakalani, at Tsakane's Sindane Park on Saturday.

According to Health 4 Men spokesperson, David Motsoagae the purpose of the event was to break stereotypes and prejudice against the Most At Risk Population (MARP) which are homosexuals, prostitutes and drug addicts who inject themselves.

Motsoagae explains the event was also to promote awareness of living a healthy lifestyle through sports and recreation.

He says they were also providing support and distributing prevention commodities to the target groups.

“We were providing HIV counselling and testing services including distributing condoms. lubricants and providing information,” says Motsoagae.

According to Motsoagae the information that has been given to the community is meant to empower them.

Mostoagae adds the activities for the day were aerobics, messages of support, health screening, dance, sack races and soccer.

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