Youth foundation helps youth of Kwatsaduza

Andrew Gininda (21) is one of the proud students who received help from Ithemba Youth Foundation in Tsakane.

The organisation that has been in existence for more than five years helps the youth with different skills.

The foundation works with the unemployed youth between the ages of 18 and 35 years.

It offers free computer classes and internet services, helps the youth draft their CVs which will market them to employers.

The foundation also helps donate food parcels to needy families.

It does not only encourage the young people to start their own businesses, but the foundation helps the up and coming business owners in drafting proper business proposals.

Gininda who is now a second year journalism student at the Tshwane University of Technology is proof of the work done by the foundation.

He said he heard about the foundation in 2011 and registered with it for five days life coaching and computer classes.

“My life changed since I joined the foundation,” said Gininda.

He said before enrolling at the university, the computer skills that he gained from the foundation opened doors of tutoring employment for him.

Gininda encourages other young people to take the first step to fulfilling their dreams.

“My background did not make me lose my focus on my goal of becoming someone better in the future,” said a determined Gininda.

Speaking on behalf of the foundation, Nomvula Masina, who is an advice desk officer, said the foundation does not only offer computer lessons to the youth, but people who are over 35 years old are also welcome to come for lessons.

She encouraged the youth to attend the workshops that are held to empower the youth.

“Some of these workshops help to bring back self esteem and give career guidance to the high school learners,” explained Masina.

She concluded by challenging the youth to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills given to them in order to fight against unemployment and poverty.

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